Jake Burroughs, Second From Right
Hey! My buddy Jake Burroughs has finally got a new website up, with lots of great information on Chinese Martial Arts and some great photos also. Jake has worked tirelessly to bring world-class master instructors in Mantis, Xing Yi and Bagua, along with top-level Brazilian Jujitsu instructors to the Seattle area. The link for the new "Three Harmonies Martial Arts Center" can be found at THIS LINK.
Also, take a spin over to Jake's new Blog "The Ground Never Misses", which profiles guest instructors and seminars. Also included this month are video links and analysis of grappling tournaments in which Jake and Brian Johnson of NW Jiu Jitsu Academy competed in. Lots more good stuff at "The Ground Never Misses"!
do you know were can i learn cong fu in the usa
Martial Art Training
I have always wanted to learn kun fu every since I was 10 years old
I need to take up kung fu for great exercise & fitness
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