Yes, ol' Dojo Rat is a Neanderthal. Or at least part Neanderthal, and now I can prove it. From "Discovery News":
"Neanderthals, Humans Interbred, DNA Proves
A newly mapped Neanderthal genome reveals that between 1-4 percent of DNA of many humans today came from Neanderthals."
"It's official: Most of us are part Neanderthal. The first draft sequence of the Neanderthal genome has provided the strongest evidence yet that modern humans and Neanderthals interbred and that all non-Africans today have Neanderthal gene fragments in their genetic codes.
Although the Neanderthal contribution to the DNA of these individuals is estimated at being just one to four percent of the total, the finding, published in the latest issue of the journal Science, helps to resolve the long-standing controversy over whether or not humans mated with Neanderthals when the two groups encountered each other outside of Africa."
Prehistoric Cute Hippie Chick of the Month

And in a sideways blow to the "Primal Diet", as promoted by "Mark's Daily Apple",, studies show that primitive man ate cooked grains.
"Neanderthals cooked their vegetables just like humans: study"
"WASHINGTON — A US study found that Neanderthals, prehistoric cousins of humans, ate grains and vegetables as well as meat, cooking them over fire in the same way homo sapiens did.
The new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) challenges a prevailing theory that Neanderthals' over reliance on meat contributed to their extinction around 30,000 years ago.
Researchers found grains from numerous plants, including a type of wild grass, as well as traces of roots and tubers, trapped in plaque buildup on fossilized Neanderthal teeth unearthed in northern Europe and Iraq."

The primal diet, as I understand it says that all the health woes of modern society, like diabetes, began with man eating grains. I think there is some truth to this, but the article above clearly shows that "Grok" did indeed eat wild grasses.
I have to admit- the primal diet pushes a huge amount of meat and dairy as being closer to the diet cavemen ate. While it sounds very appetizing, eating three-to-six eggs a day just can't be good for us.
Just stay away from processed white flour and sugar, chips and bread.
And embrace your inner Neanderthal...

Ain't no such thing as Neandertal, DR, not really, when it comes right down to it.
When they first found the bones, they deliberately reassembled them so as to make Neandertal Man look more stooped and ape-like--because that was what they were looking for.
Rudolf Virchow, who was the world's greatest pathologist at the time, looked at Neandertal bones and pronounced that they were just human bones--the bones of a human being with rickets, that is.
Now, they reassemble the bones correctly, and it is widely conceded that if you put Neandertal Man in a business suit and gave him a shave, he could walk quite unnoticed down the street of any city, that he was just as intelligent as we are, and that he could interbreed with us. Plus, it is still perfectly true that the morphology of Neandertal Man fits the profile of rickets victims!
So, why does the scientific community insist on calling likely rickets victims who could interbreed with us, mostly looked like us, and were at the same intelligence level a different species? Heck if I know. I think they're just used to it.
So how could everybody in a certain area, say northern Europe, living in the same caves, pre-dating "modern" man, with different religous beliefs and methods, all have rickets?
I think your Christian anti-evolution dogma is showing...
Now, seriously, we have assimilated and/or killed off the Neanderthals.
I am a Neanderthal.
Michael Chrichton's "Eaters of the Dead" was turned into "The Thirteenth Warrior", and it wasn't far from the truth...
By the way:
Rudolf Virchow was an interesting cat, but he is a very outdated reference. He died in 1902. Here is from his wiki bio:
Hostility toward antiseptics Despite these many accomplishments in medicine, Virchow's reputation is somewhat tarnished by his rejection of and hostility towards the theory that bacteria cause disease. His attacks on Ignaz Semmelweis's advocacy of antisepsis delayed the use of antiseptics.[10]
[edit] Opposition to Darwinism Virchow famously delivered an anti-Darwinian lecture on human and primate skulls, in which he emphasized the lack of fossil evidence for a common ancestor of man and ape.
So how could everybody in a certain area, say northern Europe, living in the same caves, pre-dating "modern" man, with different religous beliefs and methods, all have rickets?
Poor diet and poor sunlight, quite possible, indeed probable in an ice age--regardless of their religious beliefs and methods :) But that they might well have had rickets wasn't so much what I was driving at; I was trying to point out that there is more than one possible explanation for Neandertal morphology.
In any event, Neandertal didn't predate "modern" man; fully modern fossils have been found predating Neandertal.
Look, DR, all I'm sayin' here is that the differences between Neandertal and "modern" man are simply not that great, that it is fairly obvious that Neandertal and "modern" man were contemporaneous, it being darn hard to interbreed with extinct species an' all that, that there is, in sum, simply no good reason for assigning him to a different species, any more than you would assign, say, pygmies or Australian aborigines to a different species. You might be able to make a good case for Neandertal being an extinct race, and I think had the original investigators not been hell-bent on finding "ape-men" to the point that it colored the way they assembled the fossils, they probably would have.
Only God knows what the same investigators would have done with pygmy fossils, had they found them before they'd seen a living pygmy!
Rudolf Virchow was an interesting cat, but he is a very outdated reference.
I suspected as much, considering that I knew full well that the bones he examined were discovered in the nineteenth century. :)
Just my two cents. Won't lose any sleep over the fact that we don't agree on everything in the universe, and I expect you won't, either.
Perhaps we are just splitting hairs.
No offense ment or taken.
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