Thursday, August 25, 2011

Jake Says; "Fear The Wristlock, Bitches!"

Man, oh man.
If BJJ had existed in the U.S. when I was wrestling in the 1970's I would have been all over it. But now I'm just a broken-down old Dojo Rat so I have to enjoy my friends matches.
Here is my Xingyi instructor Jake Burroughs (Black Gi) in a recent Seattle Tournament. I met Jake when he had recently moved to Seattle and began bringing his instructors in for seminars. We trained with the late Mike Martello and Tim Cartmell in Mantis and the Chinese Internal Arts, with a heavy emphasis on throwing. Tim also had a great "MMA for the street" session.
Jake has followed in Tim's footsteps and taken up BJJ to round out his skills, and it's been fun to follow his progress. He is currently training and teaching with Brian Johnson at Seattle's NW Jiu Jitsu Academy.
From what little I know about BJJ, the glamorous techniques tend to involve chokes and armbars. But here in this match, Jake wins with a wristlock which his opponent wasn't expecting. It looked painful enough that the guy tapped immediately.
There's a lesson there: Jake says "Fear The Wristlock, Bitches!"

Here's the links to Jake Burroughs site "The Ground Never Misses" and Brian Johnson's NW Jiu Jitsu Academy.


  1. I don't want to get caught up in whether that's a wristlock or not, I'm happy to call it a wristlock. But what Jake did didn't just get uke's wrist, it very likely lit up his wrist, forearm, elbow and shoulder.

    In my (traditional) jujitsu ryu, we'd call that Tatsumaki Jime (dragon-winding constriction, also translatable as typhoon constriction. It's named that for how the leg winds around uke's arm.) And very elegantly done.

  2. Broken-down old dojo rat?

    Why you're only as old as look.


  3. Thanks Mi amigo! It is my honor to teach what I have been taught, and the side effect is I get to meet awesome people such as yourself on this journey! I am truly blessed!

    I was setting up the Omoplata (literally means shoulder blade) which is a shoulder lock. He was trapping my right leg which would normally have to be out from under him and triangled up to finish the omo. I was afraid he was going to roll out of it so I decided to finish with the wrist. Many do not expect it, but it is one of my go to moves. Won the 09 No Gi World with one, and this is my first win at purple belt (just got it 6 weeks ago) with one!

    Cheers Mates!

  4. Atta boy Jake!
    Hope to get down to see you in the fall-
