Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Scenes From Saturday's Saloon Party

So Saturday was our annual Saloon BBQ party, and the weather was perfect. I've had computer problems so I couldn't load any digital pictures off my camera, a friend took a few though:

There were about forty or fifty people off-and-on, and tons of food. I had a keg of Many's Pale Ale that we finished, and there was plenty more beer, hard stuff and wine.
Here's a different angle, looking toward my equipment shed:

Crap, sometime after 3:30 in the morning I wandered back to the house, and there were still people partying in the Saloon.
I think I finally recovered...
For those who haven't seen the Bar inside, here's a pic:


  1. Next party you should have everyone bring a bottle of booze to stock that bar up. I have done it before and it worked. The guests than proceeded to drink it all down, but the bar ended up ahead.

  2. DR: That is some awesome work on your saloon. Awesome.

  3. Need a place like this for my band to practice!!
    Even your shed is great!
