Sunday, May 9, 2010

Take This, Arizona! *UPDATE*

Hmmm... looks like they may have decided to block this video now. It worked for a few days...
***Click the picture of the guy with the beard in the bottom left corner. It will show another version, but the one that is being blocked is much better, and updated to include the Arizona content. Somebody must be pissed at ol' Dojo Rat...

**UPDATE** It Seems an anti-immigration group has caused quite a stir about this spoof:
"But what happens if the movie is based on a fake trailer, and a second politicized fake trailer is "leaked" to help promote it?
Weeks after putting out an alert about illegal immigrants allegedly plotting armed rebellion with shovels and axes, the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is now concerned about a new film which depicts "an army of machete and AK-47 wielding illegal aliens in a violent uprising."


They Just Fucked With The Wrong Mexican!

Ha, ha, ha...
This Grindhouse spoof trailer was re-released after Arizona became a "Failed State".
I told my relatives I couldn't travel to Arizona to visit because I don't have a passport. Wouldn't go there anyway.
I swear, they just shot themselves in the foot with this wave of anti-immigrant legislation. Hundreds of conventions have pulled out, people are refusing to send their kids to college there, and business is poised to fold due to lack of labor.
Good luck with that, Dudes...


  1. weird seeing that. It was obviously filmed in Austin. Every other scene is a place I drive through everyday. It must be what those New York people feel like with every other movie.

  2. What are "those New York people"?

    Wait a minute, I gotta move my car so the camera crew can set up.
