Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Needle Through Brick": Kung Fu Documentary

My Friend and Xingyi instructor Jake Burroughs turned me on to this movie trailer for "Needle Through Brick".
It brought tears to my eyes.
In fact it looked so good my training partner Corey ordered a copy, so I'll have a full review later.
Take a look and see what you think...

Here's the link to the producer's site if you want to order a copy.


  1. Man, that looks excellent! Looking forward to reading the review from your training partner.

  2. Looks great. Borneo has it's art called silat too which apparently is derived from Kung Fu?

    Anyway wonderful site. Don't know much about Martial Arts but am very interested, your website is a great place to learn.

  3. Pretty nice.
    I practiced Kung Fu five years, until I had to quit because I didn't pay my Viagra Online debts... Well, I just hope I will start over again in a couple of months and try that out!

  4. Thanks Dojo Rat for posting a link to our Documentary "Needle Through Brick". It has helped bring traffic to our site. We will be posting additional unseen martial arts footage that was not used in the film in the near future. I can send you a link when we do. We also have some rare footage of a traditional Iban fighting form, called Kuntao. Stay tuned and be well.

    Producer of Needle Through Brick

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