Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nice Push Hands Practice In Portland

I don't know who this instructor in Portland is yet, but from his short YouTube videos he appears to be a Bagua and Yang Tai Chi Chuan stylist.
I can't help but see similarities in his movement with our friend and teacher the late Mike Martello.
Like Mike, this guy is small but appears very strong. He uses subtle footwork and movement to defeat larger opponents.
I've still got friends and contacts in Portland, If I was still living there, I'd love to train with this guy. I'll try to get in touch with him by his YouTube channel, and maybe we can find out a little more about his training system and classes.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looking at his Youtube channel, it appears he is a student of Wing Lam. One of his uploads shows him doing taiji with Wing Lam, Sun and Yang style?

  3. His name is Jaime, and is still alive. Indeed one of Wing Lam's students.

  4. I think his throws are power/leverage based. While I applaud him for training, I do not think this is an example of good technical work. He is demonstrating external rather than internal energy.

  5. It seems to me that even internal work is leverage based.
    Angle + leverage = success in technique...
