Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics

There was an unexpected spike in my stats for Monday; it's interesting to try to figure out what's going on. Here's the spread:

Interestingly, my statcounter at the bottom of the Blog has appeared to roll over without counting the current number of hits. It's stuck on 022,659. Another seperate statcounter located slightly above says 178075. Who knows. Maybe it will self-correct, but I know the true count is somewhwere above that number.
Here's the yearly numbers:

So there has been a significant increase since 2007, and it looks like with 2-1/2 months to go this year I'm already ahead of last year.

Boring stuff, but it's an interesting study for those of us that write Blogs, and want to provide fresh and fun information.
Thanks to all those fellow Dojo Rats out there for checking in!

1 comment:

  1. Dang!!! show off!!!

    My numbers hover around a 100 hits a day. I guess I am the new kid on this block still trying to carve a readership.

    I enjoy looking at the stats and seeing how the blog slowly grows.
