Friday, October 9, 2009

A Fall Friday Video: Seasons Of Wither

Aerosmith's "Seasons Of Wither", said to be Steven Tyler's favorite song brings a haunting seasonal feel as we slide toward the winter months here in the Northern Hemisphere.
This is a 1978 concert video, filmed in Texas. Takes me back to High School...

Blue hearted lady sleepy was she
Love for the devil brought her to me
Seeds of a thousand drawn to her sin
Seasons of Wither old in the end

Ooh woe is me I feel so badly for you
Ooh woe is me I feel so sadly for you
In time bound to lose your mind
Live on borrowed time
Take the wind right out of your sail

Fireflies dance in the heat of
Hound dogs that bay at the moon
My ship leaves in the midnight
Can't say I'll be back too soon

she awakens far far away
Heat of my candle show me the way
Seeds of a thousand drawn to her sin
Seasons of Wither old in the end

Ooh woe is me I feel so badly for you
Ooh woe is me I feel so sadly for you
In time bound to lose your mind
Live on borrowed time
Take the wind right out of your sail

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