Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September: Retro-Cute Hippie Chick Of The Month

When I was a kid, my mom used to take me to those old men barber shops to get my hair cut. I hated it.
But the only good part was all the men's magazines that they had to read while you were getting that 1967-style clip.
I mean those with articles like "Cannibals Ate My Leg", and other such titles. I've always thought of "Dojo Rat" as being that kind of rag, part gnawed leg, part smash-mouth, and part girlie show.
Also in that tradition, some of those mags pushed the political envelope, with some of the first expose's of the Mafia, the Kennedy assassination, and other subjects that the mainstream press wouldn't touch. There-in-lies the political nature of my posts on the real story behind the Lockerbie Pan-Am Bombing, etc.
Looking at some of these titiles really cracked me up, Tip of the hat to James Keating at MAAJAK.
-- Here's a link to the "Classic Men's Magazine" site


  1. I don't recall ever seeing such magazines, when I was growing up in Canada. I sort of feel I've missed out. But then, I did get to spend my early thirties being single and living in the center in Amsterdam, Holland.

  2. Kostas, I have a feeling you lived some of those adventures!

  3. And t5hanks for the link to Keating's site! A treasure troove of stuff from the useful to the really weird!

  4. Hmmmm.... that was good ole' me from Portugal, using my work account....

    José de Freitas
