Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July: Cute Hippie Chick Of The Month

Yes friends, it's July 1, and you know that means time for our regular feature "Cute Hippie Chick Of The Month".
This month, the death of the lovely Farrah Fawcett has been eclipsed by the freak show of the Jackson family picking at the bones of emaciated accused child molester Michael Jackson. Poor Farrah.
As the golden girl of the 1970's, posters of Farrah and her feathered hair graced the bedroom walls of millions of boys and young men around the world. But it wasn't just boys that fell in love with Farrah, it was Robots too:

Meet "Hector", the evil Robot on the spacebound research facility "Saturn 3". It seems Hector was programmed by a psychopath that had a thing for Farrah (well, who didn't?) and Feathered Farrah Flees with partner Kirk Douglas. So, in celebration of the life of Farrah Fawcett, here's a clip from "Saturn 3":

P.S. - Let Michael Jackson rot in peace. I'm sick of the circus already.


  1. Dojo Rat - my sentiments exactly. I thought it was so sad the way Farrah's life and death have been overshadowed by the "freak show" that was Michael Jackson. This circus is going on even longer than it did with Elvis's death. I'll be glad when the MJ thing dies down too.

  2. Sadly, it may never die will end up something, "else", and never die...things have a way of doing this...

    We have our priorities kinda mixed up don't ya think?

  3. I agree with Martial Arts Mom. I liked Farrah so much better. She may have had her problems, but she never molested kids.

    I wouldn't call her a hippie chick, though. She was an "it" girl of the late 70's. That was the (ugh) Disco Era.

  4. Well, the "Hippie Chick" part came about because Pat over at Mokuren Dojo was teasing me about Hippie Martial Arts.
    So I took that and ran with it in various themes.
    Besides, isn't every "Chick" a "Hippie Chick" at heart???

  5. I dunno about the "at heart" part. Farrah never showed up on that radar for me, either.

  6. My friend, you got it right! and at the time I wished Farrah would have molested me when I was younger! Cheers

    William from Canada

  7. don't forget she had a very small part in Logan's Run...
