Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chin Na Defense Against Grab

Here again are Dojo Rats Brown Dragon and Zacky Chan demonstrating a nice Chin na defense against a lapel grab. As described, this technique requires a training partner with flexable shoulders, or serious damage can occur.
This technique can also be found on page 135-136 of "Practical Chin Na", by Zhao Da Yuan and Tim Cartmell. The Chinese name for the technique is ""The Precious Pestle Is Quickly Turned". No kidding. I'm not sure Zac will like being refered to as a "precious pestle".
None-the-less, we perform the technique here pretty much as described in "Practical Chin Na", except we have a keg of beer in our Dojo. Be careful with your training partner on this one, as there is serious potential for damage to the shoulder and elbow.


  1. Nice. I like the look of that one. It looks simple, fast, and effective. I may have to give that one a go with Tornado next week...

  2. um, ouch? It is similar to a goshin jitsu technique I picked up from a friend but far more.... evil. I like evil. :-)

  3. I've found that my shoulders and chest are so thick I don't get the full insertion of the arm wrap. It doesn't seem to matter so much, my training partner still gets locked, and I think if I grab the hair it can keep him from spinning out. Different bodies, different technique.
