Wednesday, September 3, 2008

These Guys Got Balls; Part 1

The next couple of posts we will take a look at how people are using training balls to improve their martial arts. I picked up some smaller kids beach-balls last year and had students hold them to their body in the "peng" or ward-off position. This helped them keep the proper arm shape in simple push hands drills, when their structure was collapsing before.
Now I really like how these jujitsu guys are using the stability ball. If you listen to the descriptions of the practice, they talk about "Whole-body connectivity" and "taking away the space (between body and ball)". These are concepts that are used in Internal Martial Arts practice, such as push hands in Taiji and joint-locking and body manipulation in Aikido and other arts.
--Stay tuned for a couple other ideas...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey I train with those guys! Dave a is a great friend of mine. Thanks for posting the video!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. big sexxxy,
    Do you train with those guys?

    ever hear of "Dave" :0

  5. Not so much at Impact but I do still train with Dave... I am going to see him on Saturday.

  6. Hey, I just couldn't help myself. This looks exactly like what every modern dancer does when they "get on" a physioball. I've been watching/doing that for 20 years.
    A friend of mine worked at a startup during the dot-com boom. He said they had a big War Room that was filled with physioballs. They would go in there and fight to blow off steam during their 60 hour work days. I think the rule was you had to be balanced on a ball in order to attack, with another ball or anything else. Sounds like fun.
    The company crashed but the CEO got to keep his Hummer.
