Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mike Martello On Locking And Throwing

Since Mike was in town last week, we'll take a look at some more of his work. Here is his description of this practice, some of the comments refer to parts one and two of this three part series:

(Mike): Yuejia Sanshou, Qinna, Small Shuai and Fun...

Some basic practical ideas with my students...

Again, these ideas here are very raw in approach and energy, as I am refining via the practical practices. I use my students in a raw approach so they can get the basic foundations of the ideas and connected flow of the two people, by simple transmission through the playing. I allow them to use power and force if they catch me then great, its a learning process after all...
I use my students as training partners (not students with no skill) and as myself practicing ideas so i can learn deeper of the internal mechanisms and connections. What looks subtle, soft and flowery is nothing of the kind. I am around 5ft1 and 135 lbs, I cannot use power to do what I show, its logistics, size and strength, all which I just don't have...
Here is a great comment, translated from a chinese forum...
"Good, it really shows how Taiji can make the small overcome the strong. In the first clip, the foreign students use physical force, dumb strength against their teacher. They have not grasped Taiji's usage of smart power; their waists and upperbodies are too stiff, they don't have twisting and turning, their centers move along with their strength, once their teacher dissolves their power they will immediately lose their balance. They have not yet understand the theory of the necessity of having both Yin and Yang, upward and downward powers, left and right movements etc. In the second clip is all pushing exercises, to test the Zhanzhuang/stances. We welcome Mike Laoshi to Beijing this summer for cultural exchange."
I want to share because it explains exactly what I am trying to achieve myself and to teach the foundations to my students...
It is hard ideas because one needs to be soft but not empty, relaxed and full as to be able to allow someone else's force to be placed on our body for feedback... If the force causes the muscles, tendons to get stiffness's then more relaxed practicing conditioning is needed... Conversely when is able to have a huge a force on them relaxed then one needs to play with the force softly to exercise the inner connections to build stronger... Yin reinforces Yang, without Yang getting stiff and so on....
Of course these are all training methods that allow two people to play soft or strong, but not get to hurt and explore methods and train the IMA...

I hope all enjoy objectively.
mike martello

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