Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just A Thought...

I get a kick out of how many people are reading Dojo Rat on Government computers;
- NASA, Department Of Justice, Dept. Of Agriculture, Veterans Administration, Forest Service, Naval National Information Center...


  1. Dojo Rat-
    And what pray tell, surprises you about government employees reading a blog during working hours? Hey, at least it's not porn or anything like that - they're at least perusing quality!

  2. Hey DR,

    See you in Gitmo. Be nice to know that there'll be someone I can push hands with when we get behind the barbed wire.

  3. Not porn?

    You've never seen the photos of DJR in a wedding dress have you?

  4. Bob;
    That wasn't a wedding dress, it was my "Victoria's Secret" Judo Gi...
    But it was the sleeveless wonder-chest model...

  5. I'm sure you have many fans everywhere.
