Sunday, June 1, 2008

June: Cute Futuristic Alien Hippie Chicks Of The Month

Well fellow Dojo Rats; June is the month of my birth, and we always have a special feature of "Cute Hippie Chick Of The Month" in June.
This time it's a salute to all the hot Space Cadets and Green Alien Hippie Chicks from Star Trek.
Was Kirk a Hound Dawg or what? He could sniff out a beautiful alien woman at the beginning of an episode and more than likely she would die in his arms within thirty minutes. Oh, and I had to throw Jerry Ryan (Seven-of-nine) from the new series in there because she is possibly the hottest alien chick that has ever been on the show...


  1. DR, you forgot one major space hippie chick - Yvonne (Batgirl) Craig from the "Whom Gods Destroy episode of the original "Star Trek."

    Check this link here.

  2. Here's a better pic.

    I liked her a lot better as a green alien than as Batgirl.

  3. oh my friend... -- that site will not allow hot links, as much as I would like to see our Batgirl friend...
