Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Don't Know How I Missed This One

The Foot Fist Way

Oh My Gawd...
I can't believe I didn't catch this one before. It looks like John over at Martial Views had a brief post on it, and fellow Dojo Rat H2H brought it to my attention.
So, so many stereotypes in this hilarious trailer I have to get this movie. I'll pick up a copy on Amazon or elswhere and have more to say about it later...

(Edit.) Hmmm... It doesn't appear to be out in DVD yet...


  1. Hey DR,

    I should have mentioned, it's set for release later this month.

    My wife is always complaining about the "toady frogs" (her word for the egotists) in the martial arts scene.

    If the rest of the movie is anything like the coming attraction, I think this movie sure captures those personalities and exposes them to the ridicule they deserve.

  2. I saw this one about a week ago and watched all three trailers. I am still ROFLMAO

  3. "I've heard that jiu-jitsu is good for developing your agility."

    "Jiu jitsu sucks!" :)

    I'm looking forward to seeing this one, too!

  4. Screw Count Dante movies! This looks great! I have $10 that's a Texas, Ji Do Kwan school too!
