Sunday, February 17, 2008

Re-post: Wild West UFC

** I thought it would be good to re-post this, on the heels of the story about Abraham Lincoln defeating Jack Armstrong in a well remembered wrestling match. The match was rough, but nothing like some of the old frontieer fights. Below is what I believe to be one of the most brutal made-for-tv fight scenes I have ever seen, and thanks to Scott from "Weakness With A Twist" for a piece of narrative he provided--

In a follow-up to my previous post on the UFC I thought it somewhat appropriate to run this video from HBO's excellent show "Deadwood". The background is a long-awaited fight between the enforcers for compeating intrests in the rapidly growing gold town of Deadwood, South Dakota. In this scene, Swearingen's man Dan Fights Hurst's man "The Captain", and it ain't pretty. If people can get beyond the murder, mayhem and non-stop swearing in this series, I highly reccomend it- it's available through netflicks.
The point of all this is this is how a real fight took place in the old days. My suggestion to all those UFC fans is that the UFC has rules because it is a sport. There can be no finger-locking, vital point or pressure point striking. There is a referee that can stop the fight.
Take a look at this post from Scott at "Weakness With A Twist". It describes a nearly similar fight that took place. Here's an excerpt:

The…sport of bragging and fighting was also introduced to the American backcountry, where it came to be called “rough and tumble.” ….it was a savage combat between two or more males (occasionally females), which sometimes left the contestants permanently blinded or maimed. A graphic description of “rough and tumble” came from the Irish traveler Thomas Ashe, who described a fight between a West Virginian and a Kentuckian. A croud gathered and arranged itself into an impromptu ring. The contestants were asked if they wished to “fight fair” or “rough and tumble.” When the chose “rough and tumble,” a roar of approval rose from the multitude. the two men entered the ring, and a few ordinary blows were exchanged in a tentative manner. Then suddenly the Virginian “contracted his whole form, drew his arms to his face,” and “pitched himself into the bosom of his opponent,” sinking his sharpened fingernails into the Kentuckian’s head. “The Virinain,” we are told, “never lost his hold…fixing his clows in his hair and his thumbs on his eyes, [he] have them a start from the sockets. The sufferer roared aloud, but uttered no complaint.” Even after the eyes were gouged out, the struggle continued. The Virginian fastened his teeth on the Kentuckian’s nose and bit it in two pieces. Then he tore off the Kentuckian’s ears. At last, the “Kentuckian, deprived or eyes, ears, and nose, gave in.” The victor, himself maimed and bleeding, was “chaired round the grounds,” to the cheers of the crowd.(p. 737)

So, for those that think UFC is the only way to test your fighting skills, there are a lot of techniques you are not training for...


  1. That's because Chicago rules! Especially when you refer to Fall River, right Creeden?

    Har Har, Har Dee, Har Har!

  2. Everybody knows I hate the UFC.
    BUT Did you guys catch the Kimbo vs. Tank Abbot fight? Tank got OWNED!

  3. I haven't seen the Kimbo fight yet, it will probably be on YouTube soon. There is a review of it over at TDA Training.

    Gotta love the blue tarp background in that video!

  4. I agree that people who train for the UFC, must also realise that self defence in the street s is completly different and must be trained, but training for UFC type fighting will provide other attributes such as balance, speed, power, reactions etc. All of these qualities will of course help when fighting on the street. Plus, if you can stop the fight from getting to the floor (through sprawling, learnt in submission grappling) you may have a better chance in a street fight, especially if you are fighting more than one. Good post!

  5. Good post !! I meet a lot of folks who hold MMA/UFC up as the apex of combat training. No doubt, these folks are athletes, can take punishment and aren't afraid of pain. They learn speed, power,aggression and get to try their material out full speed and full force, which is a positive aspect of their training model. The short coming/ self delusion is a lot of the method does not address the realities of street self defense or combat. Not everyone who needs self defense is an athlete or at the peak of a prefight training regimen. There is no need to learn to protect one's self against certain attacks or weapons ( impact, edged or ballistic) and certain effective self defense techniques may never be learned..nor is there a need to address multiple opponents or adverse terrain/ conditions. UFC also has the luxury of knowing the precise moment a fight is going to happen. A referee and the knowledge the fight is not life or death is a luxury as well. Again, a good post.

    With Respect,
    Doc D

  6. Thanks Doc d;
    That's one of the most thoughtfull comments on (my gripe with) the UFC that I have read yet,
    Thanks, D.R.
