Monday, September 3, 2007

Get A Grip

Some damned good Judo here. I wanted to include this while we are in somewhat of a grappling theme for a few posts, but I can't let it go by without a little criticism.
Nearly all of these techniques require heavy clothing to latch on to. A guy in a T-shirt (or no shirt) is much harder to get a hold of. Furthermore, sweat makes it even harder to grab or hang on. The other thing is, once you have got the guy on the ground, you have to finish him off. In that case, you might as well be training in Brazilian Jijitsu. As I've stated before, even with my wrestling background, I don't think intentionally taking a fight to the ground is a good idea. It's just too easy for someone (who you are not fighting) to kick your head in while you are attempting an arm bar or choke on a guy. Now, in a law enforcement situation with back-up, it may be a good method, but not in the parking lot of some rowdy bar.
For these reasons, the next few posts may veer back into the stand-up grappling of Chin Na and Small-Circle Jujitsu...


  1. I don't know if I'd do it either.

    but it sure would surprise me to have someone go at my legs on the spot!

    I don't like the ground. And anyhow, in the street, anything goes. Biting, headbutts, nails in the skin and such.

    The problem remains : how do you finish the guy once you have him down? Having tools surely would help.

    anyhow, good post.

  2. Karo Parisyan, along with a few other judoka, have adapted many of the traditional judo throws to a no-gi environment. Here are a few:

    Uchi Mata
    and Osoto-Gari

    There are some changes that need to be made if there are no handles. Most of the throws, however, can be done on someone with a jacket or even a shirt. Granted, the shirt may be unwearable after...

    Thanks for showing all the judo and BJJ. I'm really enjoying it!

  3. Well, my html stinks. :) A couple of those links are screwed up... but you should be able to find the ones I'm talking about from the ones that work. Point being that the principles of judo can be adapted to an environment in which there are no handles other than your opponent.

  4. Steve: I was thinking a lot about you and Pat Parker at Mokuren with these posts. don't worry about the link problem, I know what you mean. Hence, we will soon re-visit some Chinese Chin-Na techniques. I'm glad you guys liked this, I sure did.
