Friday, May 4, 2007

May: Cute Hippie Chick Of The Month

Ok fellow Dojo Rats; We've begun a new month and you know what that means-- "Cute hippie chick of the month".
For those new to the Dojo Rat Blog, this feature grew out of a lively comment from a reader posted on this site a few weeks back. It concerned hippies in the martial arts, something which the Dojo Rats have at times resembeled.
With that in mind, the internet is a deep resource to be mined as far as posting tasteful examples of "cute hippie chicks". Whoever posted this one on YouTube labeled it "My Mom dancing in the '60's". Hmmm...
Of course, the usual disclaimer is no offense to cute people, hippies or wives...


  1. Excellent choice for May.

    Remember when women with curves were considered attractive and anorexia was both considered unappealing and a form of mental illness?

    It that dancer walked into a modelling agency in 2007, they'd probably relegate her to "plus-sized" clothes.
